This document is a brief exert from the full OASIS2/ICE documents, it details how to install and setup the two programs. Please understand that this document in no way details all the features of the OASIS2/ICE package. It is essentioal that you read FULLY, all the documents supplied with OASIS2 and ICE. --------==========<<<>>>==========-------- OASIS 2 is Shareware, all the features described in this manual are available within the version of the program supplied. After a short period of usage however, certain features will stop working. To stop this from happening, Register your copy of OASIS 2 by sending 30 UK pounds (UK cheque, UK Postal Order, Euro Cheque, International Money Order etc.) to the following address. Mr P. Yeadon 29 Bolton Street, Reddish, Stockport, Cheshire, SK5 6BE, England Anyone who registers will receive a program that will 'unlock' their copy of OASIS 2 and will then recieve free upgrades for version 2 whenver they are available. This registrastion fee covers the complete OASIS 2 package of programs including OASIS 2, ICE, ICE_NET and OASIS_ED. --------==========<<<>>>==========-------- When you have run the OASIS2.TOS program from the root of the hard drive partition you wish to install OASIS 2 on, you will see a folder named OASIS2 containing the following folders and files. INCOMING (News and E-Mail arrives here) MAIL (Your E-Mail is stored here) NEWS (Your News is stored here) OUTGOING (Any News or E-Mail for uploading go here) SYSTEM (All external files for OASIS2/ICE) UUCODE (Auto UUdecoded files go here) WWW (Spider Atlas and Caches will go here) The following files are the only files in the OASIS2 folder. ICE.PRG ICE_NET.PRG LOW_MEM.PRG OASIS2.PRG OASIS_ED.PRG The rest of the files required by OASIS 2 are held in the SYSTEM folder, the following Folders and files will be found there. DOCS (OASIS 2,ICE & ICE_NET information) Also contains Mono and Colour Icons LOGS (ICE saves any Log files here) TMP (Temporary storage area for OASIS 2 and ICE) FTPSITES (ICE file) ICE.NET (ICE config file) ICE_HI.RSC ICE_LOW.RSC INET_HI.RSC INET_LOW.RSC MIMETOOL.CFG MOUSEDRV.ON (animated mouse for OASIS ED) MYDIAL.OVL OASIS.OPT (OASIS2 file) OASIS_ED.INF (OASIS ED file) OASIS_ED.MAC (OASIS ED file) OASIS_ED.RSC OASIS_HI.RSC OASIS_LO.RSC OA_CODER.GTP TOOLS_LO.RSC TOOLS.HI.RSC TOOLS.CFG WORLDHI.RSC (ICE file) WORLDLOW.RSC (ICE file) XRSRC.OVL These files and folders should always be present in the OASIS2 folder. In addition to these items OASIS 2 can create other files. Please take care if you delete any files from these folder. In addition to these files there will be a folder named CONVERT on your hard drive. This contains programs to convert OASIS files to the new OASIS 2 standards. If you have never used OASIS before you can skip this next Section. ======<<>>====== Conversion of OASIS Files. E-Mail; Copy all the files with the following extension .EML and .MSH from the OASIS\SPOOL\MAIL folder to the OASIS2\MAIL folder. Now copy the files with the extension .IDX to the CONVERT folder and run MAILCONV.PRG. When this program has finished copy the files with the extension .MIX to the OASIS2\MAIL folder. News: Copy all the files from the OASIS\SPOOL\NEWS\NEWSBASE folder to the OASIS2\NEWS\ARTICLES folder. Next copy the ACTIVE.DAT and NNTP.DAT files from the OASIS\SPOOL\NEWS folder to the CONVERT folder and run NEWSCON.PRG. When this program has finished there will be a new file in the CONVERT folder called GROUPS, copy this file to the OASIS2\NEWS folder. Yellow Pages: Copy all the files with the extension .YEL from the OASIS\SPOOL\MAIL folder to the CONVERT folder and run YELCONV.PRG. When this program has finished, there will be files with the same name as the original files but with the extension .YPG. Now copy all the files with the extension .YPG from the CONVERT folder to the OASIS2\MAIL folder. Multi-Users: No conversion of the OASIS Multi-User files is needed, so simply copy all the files with the extension .MU from the OASIS folder to the OASIS2\SYSTEM folder. ======<<>>====== Configuring OASIS 2 and ICE. Please read the file ICE_NET.TXT from the OASIS2\SYSTEM\DOCS folder and then run ICE_NET.PRG. !!!! THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE YOU RUN OASIS 2 AND ICE !!!! ======<<>>====== PGP If you use PGP, OASIS 2 will allow you to send PGP encrypted text and decode any PGP files that you receive by calling PGP for you. As PGP is a TOS program (ie does not use windows) it can mess up the screen when OASIS 2 calls it. To get around this problem there will be a file called TOS2GEM.ZIP on your hard drive, unpack these files and install it as described in the TOS2GEM documents. If TOS2GEM is not installed, or another program has reserved it for use before OASIS 2 was run, OASIS 2 will not be able to call PGP for you. In this case refer to the documentation supplied with TOS2GEM. --------==========<<<>>>==========-------- Disclaimer. This program is supplied in the belief that it operates as specified, the authors (P. Yeadon & D. Levi) shall not be liable in any circumstance whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss or damage to property incurred or suffered by the user or any other person as a result of any fault or defect in the goods or services supplied by the authors and in no circumstances shall the authors be liable against consequential damage or loss of profits (whether or not the possibility thereof was separately advised to it or reasonably forseeable) arising from the use or performance of such goods or services. All previous copyrights, patents, intellectual rights and any other articles of possession are fully recognised by the authors.